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Git is your friend, not your enemy — Part 3

Git bisect, the ultimate bug finder.

Git is a helpful tool when it's actually part of your workflow instead of fighting against it. Learn how to use Git to make it this way!

This post is the third part of a tutorial series on how to use Git to its full potential. You may want to read the first part and the second part before proceeding.

Finding bugs with Git: problem statement

You are working on a large-ish project which is — thankfully — under version control. This could be a project with a large amount of code, with many contributors and thus a lot of activity, or maybe some software you are using that you decided to contribute to by fixing some bugs. What we will learn today applies to all those cases where you just can’t manually review every single line of code searching for bugs.

Although in the case of this article, we will study a very stripped down example to just learn the essentials of one of Git’s most advanced features: bisection. Our example will be a library implementing some sorting algorithms as they are described on their respective Wikipedia pages.

While developing this library, we shall follow good software development practices, especially ensuring our library has proper automated testing. Here is the initial scaffolding for our library:

  • The following functions will be provided by our library:
#ifndef _SORT_H_
#define _SORT_H_

#include <cstddef>

typedef int sort_data_t;

void sort_insertion(sort_data_t *data, size_t length);
void sort_selection(sort_data_t *data, size_t length);
void sort_merge(sort_data_t *data, size_t length);
void sort_heap(sort_data_t *data, size_t length);
void sort_quick(sort_data_t *data, size_t length);

#endif /* _SORT_H_ */
  • They will be tested using a test executable that returns 0 on success, and non-zero on failure:
#include "sort.h"

// [...]

int main() {
    int res = 0;
    const size_t Ns[] = {10};

    for (auto &N : Ns) {
        std::vector<sort_data_t> source_vector(N, 0), working_vector(N, 0), sorted_vector(N, 0);

        // Generate some test data
        std::generate(source_vector.begin(), source_vector.end(), [=]() { return rand() % (2 * N); });

        // Generate reference data
        std::copy(source_vector.begin(), source_vector.end(), sorted_vector.begin());
        std::sort(sorted_vector.begin(), sorted_vector.end());

        // Test the insertion sort function
        res += test_sort_function(working_vector, source_vector, sorted_vector, sort_insertion);
        // [...]

    return res;
  • Testing the library is done through a special Makefile rule, so we can just run make test:
# [...]

test: $(BUILDDIR)/main
	@echo $(BUILDDIR)/main
	@$(BUILDDIR)/main ; \
	RET=$$? ; \
	if [ $$RET -eq 0 ]; then \
		echo -e "\e[0;32mTests succeeded\e[0m" ; \
	else \
		echo -e "\e[0;31mTests failed with $$RET\e[0m" ; \
		exit $$RET ; \

# [...]

We obtain this output when testing our initial version:

$ make test
# Output omitted
Tests succeeded

With this perfect development setup in place, we can iteratively improve our library:

$ git log --oneline
a4ecb0d (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Update ColumnLimit
4096d3d Add N=20000 test
01770f7 Change IndentWidth to 4
9eaf4e6 Print failing test names and highlight differences
5889f58 Update sorting logic
25a6e64 Add N=10000 test
10930d8 Add N=1000 test
0f0ff63 Add N=100 test
65defb0 (tag: r-initial) Initial commit

Satisfied with our changes, we check that tests still pass and…

$ make test
# Output omitted
sort_insertion: error at index 0
sort_insertion: error at index 0
sort_insertion: error at index 0
sort_insertion: error at index 0
sort_insertion: error at index 0
Tests failed with 5
make: *** [Makefile:14 : test] Erreur 5

Where did we go wrong? Let’s answer this question using Git.

Finding trivial bugs with git blame and git log

Our test harness revealed the sort_insertion function is broken. Thus, we might want to look into who changed the corresponding src/insertion.cpp file. The git log --oneline -- src/insertion.cpp shows us the history of that file (commits that do not change this file are omitted):

$ git log --oneline -- src/insertion.cpp
01770f7 Change IndentWidth to 4
5889f58 Update sorting logic
65defb0 (tag: r-initial) Initial commit

Only 3 commits (out of the 9 commits in our repository) changed that file. This greatly narrows our search space, which we can further refine using git blame. This command outputs which commit changed each line in a given file:

$ git blame src/insertion.cpp
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  1) #include "sort.h"
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  2) 
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  3) #include <utility>
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  4) 
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  5) void sort_insertion(sort_data_t *data, size_t length) {
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100  6)     size_t i = 1;
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  7) 
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100  8)     while (i < length) {
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100  9)         size_t j = i;
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100 10)         while (j > 0 && data[j - 1] < data[j]) {
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100 11)             std::swap(data[j], data[j - 1]);
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100 12)             j--;
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100 13)         }
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100 14)         i++;
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100 15)     }
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100 16) }

If we cross-reference this with the output of git log we notice that most of the file was changed by one single commit… Which is just formatting changes, and is probably not the culprit (01770f7a Change IndentWidth to 4). If we know this commit indeed doesn’t change anything, we can ask Git to ignore it in the blame:

$ git blame --ignore-rev 01770f7 src/insertion.cpp
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  1) #include "sort.h"
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  2) 
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  3) #include <utility>
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  4) 
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  5) void sort_insertion(sort_data_t *data, size_t length) {
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  6)     size_t i = 1;
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  7) 
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  8)     while (i < length) {
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100  9)         size_t j = i;
5889f58f (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:17:12 +0100 10)         while (j > 0 && data[j - 1] < data[j]) {
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100 11)             std::swap(data[j], data[j - 1]);
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100 12)             j--;
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100 13)         }
01770f7a (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:18:38 +0100 14)         i++;
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100 15)     }
^65defb0 (Alix Tavernier 2021-01-24 03:15:15 +0100 16) }

From this output, we can deduce:

  • Most of the code comes from the initial commit, 65defb0. We know this passed the tests before.
  • One line of our sorting logic was changed by commit 5889f58f. We can show this change in more detail:
$ git show 5889f58f
commit 5889f58fd7ec438b5e45ddab97611f6d34e916de
Author: Alix Tavernier <alix.tavernier@pm.me>
Date:   Sun Jan 24 03:17:12 2021 +0100

    Update sorting logic

diff --git a/src/insertion.cpp b/src/insertion.cpp
index 8785fad..571e6c6 100644
--- a/src/insertion.cpp
+++ b/src/insertion.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ void sort_insertion(sort_data_t *data, size_t length) {
   while (i < length) {
     size_t j = i;
-    while (j > 0 && data[j - 1] > data[j]) {
+    while (j > 0 && data[j - 1] < data[j]) {
       std::swap(data[j], data[j - 1]);

This change seems dubious. To confirm this indeed broke our library, we need to test the code before and after this change was introduced. As we are using Git, this is easy to do:

# Before the changes, check that the tests do pass
$ git checkout 5889f58f^ && make test
HEAD is now at 25a6e64 Add N=10000 test
# Output omitted
Tests succeeded

# After the changes, check that the tests do not pass
$ git checkout 5889f58f && make test
HEAD is now at 5889f58 Update sorting logic
# Output omitted
Tests failed with 4
make: *** [Makefile:14: test] Error 4

Thus, we confirmed commit 5889f58 broke the library!

However, to come to that conclusion we needed to:

  • Find which file was the source of the bug (sometimes it could be multiple files, or this could be non-trivial)
  • Identify commits bringing relevant changes to the file in question (there could be a lot of irrelevant commits)
  • Among relevant commits, find the first one that breaks the build (a lot of commits may have to be checked for that)

This is where the git bisect command comes in: a faster, automated way to find bugs.

Finding any kind of bug with git bisect

git bisect works under the assumption that:

  • You have a last known good commit, referred to as good, where the bug was not present
  • You have a known bad commit, referred to as bad, following the good commit, and where the bug is present

Under this assumption, Git is able to deduce which is the first bad commit in O(log2N)O(\log_2 N) steps, where NN is the number of commits between good and bad. This uses the same idea as dichotomic search:

  • Pick the middle commit between good and bad, middle
  • Run the tests. If they pass, good becomes middle and repeat. Else, bad becomes middle and repeat.
  • Stop when bad is the commit immediately following good

If you are testing manually, or tests are slow to run, the gains from NN to log2N\log_2 N can add up very quickly, hence the importance of this feature. Let’s start bisecting our repository:

# git bisect start [good [bad]]
# Additionally, you can mark commits with `git bisect good` and `git bisect bad`
$ git bisect start HEAD master~8
Bisecting: 3 revisions left to test after this (roughly 2 steps)
[5889f58fd7ec438b5e45ddab97611f6d34e916de] Update sorting logic

Git estimates the number of revisions to test to 3, which is already much less than our repository’s history (9). In order to locate the first bad commit, we can then run the automated bisection with git bisect run:

# git bisect run command
$ git bisect run make test
running make test
# Output omitted
Tests failed with 4
make: *** [Makefile:14: test] Error 4
Bisecting: 1 revision left to test after this (roughly 1 step)
[10930d83612b9a6eebae3d69be758bc6296a28c0] Add N=1000 test
running make test
# Output omitted
Tests succeeded
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 0 steps)
[25a6e647594e810104b9ae5d7350f6dc88e41512] Add N=10000 test
running make test
# Output omitted
Tests succeeded
5889f58fd7ec438b5e45ddab97611f6d34e916de is the first bad commit
commit 5889f58fd7ec438b5e45ddab97611f6d34e916de
Author: Alix Tavernier <alix.tavernier@pm.me>
Date:   Sun Jan 24 03:17:12 2021 +0100

    Update sorting logic

 src/insertion.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
bisect run success

Thus, with only two commands (start and run), Git identified the first bad commit in our target range, and checked it out for us to inspect. When we’re done inspecting the bad changes, we can return to the state of the repository before the bisection with git bisect reset.

Bisecting without automated tests

In our little test project, we already had a test harness set up to find the offending commit. However, this may not always be the case:

  • Some complex issues might require setup outside the repository
  • The tests for a given bug might have only been added later

In those cases, you can either:

  • Write a script to do the testing, preferably outside the repository folder (so it doesn’t conflict with Git checking out revisions). Then run it using git bisect run ../script.sh
  • Test manually. After starting the bisection, check if the current state of the repository is good or bad (Git will have checked out the next revision for you), and then mark it as good with git bisect good, or bad with git bisect bad. Git will then advance to the next revision to be tested.

In any case, you will still benefit from the O(log2N)O(\log_2 N) complexity of the bisection.

Closing thoughts

When submitting an issue to an open-source project, you will usually have to describe properties of the host system, the exact version being tested, reproduction instructions, etc…

If you are able to, include the result of git bisect in your bug report. Pointing to a relevant changes in the repository’s history will greatly help the maintainers diagnose the issue and work on a fix.


With this tutorial series, we looked at how to maintain a sane Git history as well as your own sanity. Armed with this knowledge and carefully crafted Git repository histories, you may now use your newly-acquired advanced Git skills like bisecting to flex on your colleagues solve issues faster in your code.

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